Premier winches
Premier is the only four-star winch on the market. Independent testing by 4x4 Australia magazine determined the Premier “did well in the loaded line-pull tests (bettering) the more powerful 9500lb units in line speed and current draw”.
The premier was developed in response to customer requests for a better quality, cost-effective winch.
Because of its industrial origins, the Premier is the only vehicle mounted winch rated for vertical lifting as well as horizontal pulling. Industrial lifting equipment requires a much greater margin for safety, making the Premier far more capable than its rated load indicates. It also explains why the 4.6HP motor rating is an actual rating – like the difference between flywheel HP and rear-wheel HP in cars – the Premier is rated ‘at the rear wheel’, so the available horsepower doesn’t drop under load and because only the Premier winch motor was designed this way from the start, it’s more effective, more efficient electrically and independent testing proves it uses far less current under load than any other winch.
We call it ‘PREMIER’ because we’re confident it’s the best.
Premier DV-6000S self recovery winch
$1,300.00 -
Premier DV-9000ES self recovery winch
$1,699.00 -
Premier DV-12000ES self recovery winch